January chats with Brittney Carbone about sober life and what it entails, support or lack thereof, the dangers of alcohol marketing to moms, and other forms of addiction. 00:00 – Show intro 01:16 – Brittany Carbone intro 04:20 – Why sober for Brittany? 09:26 – Why sober for January? 12:40 – Just do a little! 13:35 – January’s fascination with marketing 15:47 – Sober self discovery 20:06 – What support looks like for sober moms 24:42 – First AA meeting 29:56 – Brittany’s struggle with binge eating 33:55 – January’s struggle with orthorexia 36:22 – Struggling with body shame 43:50 – re-recording your inner dialogue 44:55 – The era of…
Motherless Mothering with Jen Elizabeth
In this episode, January chats with Jen Elizabeth of Resurrektion of Me about being motherless mothers, setting boundaries with toxic family, communicating with our kids, sobriety, and the healing process for motherless mothers to name a few. 00:00 – Jen Elizabeth & Resurrektion of Me intro 03:15 – Being daughters of addicts 07:01 – Tolerating as a daughter vs not tolerating as a mother 16:06 – No effort from parents vs all out effort as a parent 21:31 – Remember what you wanted as a child 22:32 – Pinterest mom or real life mom? 23:59 – Nurturing the inner child 29:29 – Telling society to f*** off with its standards 38:50…